Şartlar ve Koşullar

Although we encourage and welcome everyone to use and benefit from our services, we urge you to realize that your access to our website and these services are subjected to the following terms and conditions which you must review and agree to before using or submitting any transactions with Turkey Campus.
Your rights and our rights relating to the provision of our services, are explained in detail in these terms so please review them with care.
Published and Effective 2017-07-01.

All our services and products are subjected to these terms and conditions whether they are provided directly or indirectly (through partners) and whether they are made available online, through any mobile device, by email or by telephone.
As you access, browse or use our website or fill any of our forms or applications through any platform (henceforth collectively referred to as the “website”), you acknowledge to have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions detailed below (including the privacy and cookies policy as well).
These pages, their content and infrastructure, and the online application service provided on any of these pages and through the website (the “service”, “our services””) are owned, operated and provided by Turkey Campus (“Turkey Campus “, “us”, “we” or “our”) for your personal, non-commercial use only, subject to the terms and conditions detailed below.

1. Scope of service:
turkeycampus.com (managed and controlled by Turkey Campus personnel) will provide you (the user) with a wide database and lists of universities in Turkey; personal advisors will directly communicate with you to ensure the best quality of service and to help you, to the best of our knowledge, choose and make the right decisions.
Making an application through Turkey Campus for a program in a university does not mean that you have entered a direct (legally binding)
contractual relationship with that university. However, we act as a mere intermediary between you and the relevant university or institution, imparting the details of your application to the university or institution you want to apply for, after you make your application through Turkey Campus. Therefore, we do not guarantee your acceptance in anyway; we help you, to the best of our knowledge, fill your application in a professional manner and do our best to represent you in the best possible way.
Your acceptance and some other benefits (scholarships …) may only be guaranteed with our partner private universities and institutions. Since the services we provide are for personal and non-commercial use only, it is strictly prohibited to re-sell, deep-link, use, copy, monitor, display, download or reproduce any content or information, software, products or services available on our website for any commercial or competitive activity or purpose at all.

2. Prices:
Unless stated otherwise on our website or email, all prices in Turkey Campus are shown per person per year of application. Occasionally, specific programs at a university may be at lower prices; however, these prices made by universities may carry special restrictions, conditions and/or limited quotas over which Turkey Campus has and claims no control.

3. Turkey Campus fees:
All our service including our consultancy service are free except for the “Turkey Campus application fees”. This is different from the fees required by the universities themselves “university application fees” which Turkey Campus act as an intermediary in transferring them to the universities.
In case you are not satisfied with our service, our customer service team will communicate directly with you to resolve the issue. Customers with unresolved issues will be refunded only our “Turkey Campus application fees”. Refunds will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Turkey Campus only facilitates the payment of the university fees, you agree and acknowledge that it is always the university’s responsibility to
collect, withhold, remit and pay the applicable taxes due on the total amount of the university fees to the relevant tax authorities. Turkey Campus disclaims all responsibility or liability for the remittance, collection, withholding or payment of the relevant taxes due on the university fees to the relevant tax authorities.
By uploading photos/images onto our system, (for instance as an attachment to a review or for a personal account or an application) you certify, warrant and agree that you own the copyright to these uploaded photos/images and that you acknowledge and agree that Turkey Campus may use them on its website, and in (online/offline) promotional materials and publications and as Turkey Campus, at its discretion, sees fit.
Furthermore, you grant Turkey Campus a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, unconditional, perpetual right and license to use, reproduce, display, have reproduced, distribute, sublicense, communicate and make available the uploaded photos/images as Turkey Campus, at its discretion, sees fit.
By uploading these photos/images you also accept full legal and moral responsibility of all legal claims made by any third parties (including, but not limited to, school owners) due to Turkey Campus publishing and using these photos/images.
You also warrant that the uploaded photos/images shall not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, or otherwise infected or harmful files or programs and shall not contain any pornographic, illegal, obscene, insulting, objectionable or inappropriate material and does not infringe any third party (intellectual property right, copyright or privacy) rights. These photos/images are not owned or supported in anyway by Turkey Campus. Turkey Campus also disclaims all responsibility and liability for the uploaded photos/images, their truthfulness, their validity and the right to use all of them as such responsibility and liability is assumed by the person who uploaded them. Any photo/image that does not meet the criteria will not be posted and/or can be removed/deleted by Turkey Campus at any time and without prior notice.

5. Intellectual property rights:
Unless stated otherwise, Turkey Campus AG., its suppliers or providers own all the software required for our services or available at or used by our website and the intellectual property rights (including the copyrights) of the contents and information of and material on our website. Turkey Campus exclusively retains ownership of all rights, title and interest in and to the website on which the service is made available in addition to all of its intellectual property rights, its look and feel, including infrastructure and any reviews or translated content.
It is strictly prohibited for any user to copy, scrape, (hyper-/deep) link to, publish, promote, market, integrate, utilize, combine or otherwise use the content (including any translations thereof and the reviews) or our brand without an express written permission from Turkey Campus.
To the extent that you would (wholly or partly) use or combine our (translated) content (including guest reviews) or would otherwise own any intellectual property rights on the website or any (translated) content or reviews, you hereby assign, transfer and set over all such intellectual property rights to Turkey Campus. Any unlawful use or any of the aforementioned actions or behavior will constitute a material infringement of our intellectual property rights (including copyright and database right)