Tuition Fees at Turkish Cyprus Universities

Turkish Cyprus universities have become a popular destination for international students, especially Arab students. Therefore, many are seeking to learn more about the tuition fees at universities in Cyprus.
This article will provide all the information about the cost of studying at universities in Cyprus, including tuition fees for various programs.
Tuition Fees at Turkish Cyprus Universities
The cost of studying in Northern Cyprus is quite affordable and inexpensive compared to other European universities. The tuition fees at Turkish Cypriot universities vary from one university to another, depending on the program and academic level (Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate). For bachelor's programs at universities in Cyprus, tuition fees range from $1,300 to $20,000 per year. Master's and Ph.D. programs generally range from approximately $4,000 to $12,000. The tuition fees for medical programs are often higher than other disciplines. For instance, the tuition fees for Human Medicine programs at Cyprus universities start from $10,000, and Dentistry programs start from $4,500. Other fields of study like Engineering, Business Administration, Social Sciences, and Humanities have an average tuition fee of around $1,600.
Here are the prominent Turkish Cyprus universities and their tuition fees:
Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)
Founded in 1979, EMU is an international university under government supervision and support. It is ranked 501-600 in the Times Higher Education (THE) 2023 ranking. Here are the key programs offered by EMU and their tuition fees after discount through Turkey Campus:
- Medicine (joint program with Marmara University, Turkey), in English, tuition fee: $22,900.
- Dentistry, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: $17,291.60.
- Pharmacy, in English, tuition fee: $9,719.
- Architectural Engineering, in English, tuition fee: $6,542.76.
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in English, tuition fee: $6,542.76.
- Computer Engineering, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: $6,542.76.
- Business Administration, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: $5,403.50.
- Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: $8,193.75.
Near East University
Established in 1988 in Nicosia, the capital of Northern Cyprus, Near East University has excelled in Human Medicine and Dentistry. Here are the most important programs offered by Near East University and their tuition fees after discount through Turkey Campus:
- Human Medicine, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: €11,380.
- Dentistry, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: €10,330.
- Pharmacy, in English, tuition fee: €4,240.
- Architectural Engineering, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: €2,665.
- Artificial Intelligence Engineering, in English, tuition fee: €2,665.
- Automotive Engineering, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: €2,665.
- Graphic Design, in Turkish, tuition fee: €2,665.
- Translation and Interpretation, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: €2,665.
- Radio, TV, and Cinema, in Turkish, tuition fee: €2,665.
Bahçeşehir Cyprus University
Part of the global BAU network, which has universities in various cities worldwide, Bahçeşehir Cyprus University aims to provide equal academic opportunities across continents. Here are the key programs offered by Bahçeşehir Cyprus University and their tuition fees after discount through Turkey Campus:
- Software Engineering, in English, tuition fee: $3,025.
- Civil Engineering, in English, tuition fee: $3,025.
- Psychology, in English, tuition fee: $3,025.
- Management Information Systems, in English, tuition fee: $2,665.
- Political Science and International Relations, in Turkish, tuition fee: $2,665.
- Culinary Arts and Cooking, in English, tuition fee: $3,025.
Cyprus International University
Founded in 1997, Cyprus International University is among the leading universities in Cyprus, offering modern education to meet the increasing demand for higher education. Here are the key programs offered by Cyprus International University and their tuition fees after discount through Turkey Campus:
- Medicine, in English, tuition fee: €6,654.
- Dentistry, in English, tuition fee: €5,500.
- Artificial Intelligence Engineering, in English, tuition fee: €3,095.
- Mechanical Engineering, in English, tuition fee: €3,098.
- Interior Design, in English, tuition fee: €3,098.
- Molecular Biology and Genetics, in English, tuition fee: €3,098.
- Psychology, in English, tuition fee: €3,098.
- Primary School Teacher, in Turkish, tuition fee: €3,098.
- English Language Teacher, in English, tuition fee: €3,098.
- Guidance and Psychological Counseling, in English, tuition fee: €3,098.
- Journalism, in English, tuition fee: €3,098.
Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University
Established in 2016 in Gazimağusa, Northern Cyprus, Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University offers advanced facilities and strong infrastructure. Here are the key programs offered by Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University and their tuition fees after discount through Turkey Campus:
- Medicine, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: $10,000.
- Dentistry, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: $5,775 / $6,500.
- Veterinary Medicine, in Turkish, tuition fee: $3,300.
- Pharmacy, offered in both English and Turkish, tuition fee: $2,200 / $3,300.
- Biomedical Engineering, in English, tuition fee: $2,300.
- Nuclear Medicine Technology, in English, tuition fee: $2,300.
- Aeronautical Engineering, in English, tuition fee: $2,300.
- Nursing, in English, tuition fee: $1,700.
- Midwifery, in English, tuition fee: $2,300.
- Nutrition and Dietetics, in Turkish, tuition fee: $1,700.
There are still many universities, programs, and fields of study you can consider. Feel free to explore them here.
Contact us if you have any inquiries about tuition fees at universities in Cyprus and to secure your academic spot at a Turkish Cyprus university. Trust that Turkey Campus is your optimal source for consultations and educational services in Turkey. We provide information with utmost integrity and professionalism, guiding you through every step from choosing the appropriate major to document translation, registration, and residence permit processes.
