Study In Turkey

Discover academic excellence unlike any other with Study in Turkey. Picture yourself amidst the enchanting blend of tradition and innovation that defines Turkey's prestigious universities. From the vibrant streets of Istanbul to the serene landscapes, Turkey beckons you to explore its rich cultural heritage while pursuing your academic aspirations

Study in Turkey


About Study in Turkey

study in turkey

With over 200 universities offering approximately 135 fields of study, Turkey stands as a beacon of modern education, ranking second globally for its accessibility to higher learning and adherence to the esteemed Bologna process, But Study in Turkey is more than just about academics, it's about immersing yourself in a vibrant community of learners and embracing the diverse tapestry of culture, history, and natural beauty that Turkey has to offer.

Venturing into the realm of Turkish education means immersing yourself in a vibrant and welcoming community of learners, Recent data from the Turkish Board of Higher Education highlights the country's popularity among international students, with enrollment numbers soaring to approximately 300,000, This influx of global talent has cemented Turkey's position as a premier destination for higher education, with six universities ranking among the top 500 worldwide.

As you contemplate your academic path, let Study in Turkey be your guide, With our expertise and support, navigating the intricacies of university selection, registration, and costs becomes a seamless process, Whether you dream of studying engineering in Istanbul or archaeology in Ankara, we're here to ensure that your experience in Turkey is nothing short of extraordinary.

So, are you ready to unlock the door to endless possibilities and embark on a transformative adventure in the heart of Turkey? Join at Turkey Campus website for Educational Services in Turkey, to guide you every step of the way and let the journey begin.

Read More: Why Study Abroad in Turkey



What are the benefits of studying in Turkey?

The advantages of pursuing your studies in Turkey are manifold, making it an enticing destination for international students. Here's a closer look at what sets Study In Turkey apart:

1. High-Quality Education

Turkish universities have garnered a stellar reputation both locally and internationally, offering top-notch study programs that adhere to global standards.

With some institutions ranking highly in global university rankings, students can expect a commitment to academic and research excellence, innovative teaching methods, and access to esteemed professors across various disciplines.


2. Diverse Academic Disciplines

Turkey offers a wide array of academic disciplines spanning medicine, engineering, social sciences, natural sciences, the arts, computer science, and business.

With specialized programs in each field, students can align their studies with their career goals, benefiting from the advanced and diverse offerings available.


3. Opportunities for Research

Turkey's universities provide ample opportunities for students to engage in scientific research and innovation. Whether through funded projects or skill development programs, students can delve into a range of research areas, honing their abilities and gaining valuable experience.


4. Affordable Cost of Living

Compared to many European countries, the cost of living in Turkey is reasonable, making it an attractive option for students seeking quality education without breaking the bank. Costs for accommodation, food, transportation, and leisure activities vary by city and lifestyle choices.


5. Geographic Significance

Situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Turkey serves as a hub for cultural and commercial exchanges between East and West. Students benefit from exposure to diverse cultures and gain insights into global trade and politics.


6. Cultural Exchange

Turkish universities foster cultural interaction among students from diverse backgrounds through various activities and programs. This multicultural environment promotes tolerance, understanding, and cooperation, enriching students' educational experience.


7. Employment Opportunities

Graduates have access to a dynamic job market in Turkey, with sectors like technology, tourism, and manufacturing offering abundant employment prospects. The country's strategic location and thriving industries present graduates with opportunities for a prosperous career.


8. State-of-the-Art Facilities

Turkish universities boast modern educational facilities, including advanced classrooms and scientific laboratories equipped with cutting-edge technology. These resources facilitate effective learning and practical experimentation.


9. Scholarship Opportunities

Many students receive scholarships in Turkey and discounts, covering a significant portion of their tuition fees. Government-funded grants and university-specific scholarships further alleviate financial burdens for students.


10. Modern Amenities

From specialized libraries to sports facilities, universities in Turkey provide modern amenities to support students' academic and extracurricular activities. This vibrant college life enhances the overall student experience.


11. Welcoming Society

Turkish people extend warm hospitality to international students, fostering a sense of belonging and comfort during their time in Turkey. Students receive support and assistance in adjusting to life abroad, creating a supportive and inclusive environment.

Study In Turkey offers a rich and rewarding experience, combining academic excellence with cultural immersion and personal growth. It's a journey that promises not just education, but a transformative adventure.


Challenges of studying in Turkey

Despite the many positives of studying in Turkey, there can also be some potential negatives and challenges to consider. Here are some points to keep in mind:

- Language Barrier: Proficiency in Turkish may be necessary to fully engage in academic programs, requiring language learning or enrollment in language courses.

- Cultural Adjustment: Adapting to a new environment and different cultural norms may pose challenges, impacting your ability to integrate into Turkish society and understand its education system.

- Financial Considerations: While tuition fees in Turkey may be affordable, you'll need to budget for living expenses, accommodation, and personal costs.

- International Student Regulations: Dealing with administrative procedures, visa requirements, and residency regulations can be complex, requiring thorough understanding and compliance to ensure legal status.


What are the best academic disciplines in Turkey?

study in turkey


Turkish universities, both public and private, boast a strong reputation and offer a diverse array of disciplines catering to the needs of local and international students. Below is an overview of the best study disciplines at Turkish universities, categorized across various fields:


1- Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy

Istanbul Medipol University stand out in this field, offering exceptional and advanced programs.

Read more: Study Medicine in Turkey 2024


2- Engineering and Technology

Ostim Teknik University lead the pack in providing top-notch engineering and technology programs in Turkey, attracting engineering students from around the globe.

Read more: Study Engineering in Turkey 2024


3- Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Software Development

Istanbul Aydin University and Bahcesehir University offer high-quality programs in artificial intelligence and software development.


4- Psychology

Istanbul Bilgi University are making strides in this discipline, boasting distinguished and internationally renowned faculty members.


5- Architecture and Interior Design

Istanbul Kultur University excels at delivering excellent programs in architecture and interior design, making it a premier destination for aspiring architects in the country.

These represent some of the finest study disciplines in Turkey, where universities offer a rich tapestry of sophisticated programs tailored to both domestic and global market demands. Students can thus select from these disciplines and embark on a distinctive educational journey in Turkey.


Key disciplines and academic programs in Turkey

Discover the diverse array of academic disciplines and study programs available in Turkey, Renowned for their extensive offerings, Turkish universities provide opportunities across fields like engineering, medicine, the social sciences, and the arts, With options to study in Turkish or English, students can immerse themselves in an international, multicultural educational environment.

This enriches both their academic journey and their personal growth, Delve into the world of possibilities with Study In Turkey, where students can broaden their horizons and hone their skills in a vibrant academic setting:



Language of Study

Price (in Turkish Lira)

Price (in English Lira)

Bachelor of Architecture and Interior Design

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Architecture

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Chemical Engineering

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Civil Engineering

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Computer Engineering

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Software Engineering

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Automotive Engineering




Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Medicine

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Dentistry

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Pharmacy

Turkish, English



Bachelor of International Trade and Business

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Business Administration

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Law

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Nursing

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Radio, Cinema and TV

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Music

Turkish, English



Bachelor of New Media

Turkish, English



Bachelor of Sociology

Turkish, English



Bachelor of English Translation and Interpretation





Top 10 Universities in Turkey

Turkey stands as a beacon for high-quality education across various disciplines, attracting students worldwide, With a plethora of esteemed universities offering top-notch educational programs and fostering a unique academic ambiance, Turkey presents a compelling destination for academic pursuits. Among these academic institutions, several stand out for their exceptional reputation and global recognition. 

Here is an exclusive list of the top universities in Turkey renowned for their excellence in education and abundant research opportunities:


1. Istanbul Medipol University

Istanbul Medipol University


Istanbul Medipol University, with its 12 colleges offering 74 Bachelor's degree programs, 5 higher institutes offering 62 Master's programs, and 43 Ph.D. programs, is recognized as one of the top 10 universities in Turkey worldwide. It excels particularly in the health fields, with a comprehensive complex housing specialized hospitals in human medicine and dentistry.

Key Features:

  • State-of-the-art facilities include modern libraries, advanced laboratories, and technology centers.
  • Internationally recogniz


2. Bahçeşehir University

 Bahçeşehir University


Bahçeşehir University, established in 1998 in Istanbul, focuses on creative thinking and offers applied programs with hands-on training in workshops and companies. It has been awarded prestigious accolades such as the Super Brand Turkey Award.

Key Features

  • Emphasis on practical application and creative thinking.
  • Opportunities for international training and experiences.


3. Ostim Technical University

Ostim Technical University


Founded in 2017 in Ankara, Ostim Technical University stands out for its successful partnerships with industrial and commercial companies, offering students practical training programs and valuable work experience alongside their studies.

Key Features

  • International advisory board supporting academic development.
  • High-quality academic education meets global standards.


4. Üsküdar University

Established in 2011, Üsküdar University is committed to research and development for the betterment of Turkish society. It offers high-quality education and practical training, making it an ideal destination for international students.

Key features

  • Specialization in the behavioral and health sciences.
  • Strong partnerships with European universities.


5. Istinye University

Istinye University


Istinye University, founded in 2015, prioritizes scientific research and offers high-quality education across various academic disciplines such as medicine, pharmacy, and engineering.

Key Features

  • Specialized programs tailored to industry demands.
  • Collaboration with leading international institutions.


6. Istanbul Gelisim University

 Istanbul Gelisim University


Formerly Istanbul Gelisim Vocational School, Istanbul Gelisim University, founded in 2008, has risen to prominence as one of Turkey's leading private universities. It offers a wide array of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs.

Key Features

  • State-of-the-art facilities and specialized programs.
  • Strong global ranking and reputation.


7. Atlas University

Atlas University


Atlas University in Istanbul is a vibrant and diverse educational institution. It provides a stimulating educational environment that encourages students to develop their academic and professional skills. The university offers numerous extracurricular opportunities, including student activities, research projects, and applied training, making it one of the top universities in Turkey.

Key Features

  • State-of-the-art laboratories that allow students to gain practical experience.
  • A social environment that fosters both study and application.
  • High quality education standards.
  • Comprehensive sports facilities, including gymnasiums, basketball courts, and football fields.
  • Graduates are fully prepared to enter the professional world.


8. Altınbaş University

Founded in 2008 and located in Istanbul, Altınbaş University ranks 140th nationally and 6840th globally. The university is known for its continuous curriculum development and focus on providing high-quality academic education. It offers students exceptional opportunities to connect with employers and boasts a teaching staff with extensive experience.

Key Features

  • A dedicated campus for health sciences.
  • An academic advisor for every student.
  • Over 53 specialized laboratories in medicine, engineering, and science.
  • Opportunities for students to study abroad, thanks to partnerships with more than 270 universities globally.


9. Istanbul Aydın University

Established in 2007 in Istanbul, Istanbul Aydın University ranks 34th nationally and 2902nd globally. The university emphasizes practical application and promotes training courses with qualified teaching staff. It provides students with opportunities to gain hands-on experience and offers modern academic programs designed to meet labor market demands.

Key Features

  • Focus on practical application and training courses.
  • Qualiified teaching staff that ensure students gain practical experience.
  • Modern academic programs tailored to labor market needs.

Read more about: Features and Costs of University Dormitories for Aydın University


10. Istanbul Nişantaşı University

Istanbul Nisantasi University


Founded in 2009 and located on the European side of Istanbul, Nişantaşı University is ranked 148th nationally and 7392nd globally. The university is renowned for its advanced programs in business management and its continuous development. It heavily integrates digital technology and artificial intelligence into the education process, focusing on developing the analytical and critical thinking skills of its students.

Key Features

  • Advanced programs in business management.
  • Extensive use of digital technology and artificial intelligence in education.
  • Emphasis on developing students' analytical and critical thinking skills.
  • Numerous training courses equip students with the skills needed for the labor market.

If you want to see for yourself, Turkey Campus has a Nisantasi University vlog that gives you a quick virtual tour of Nisantasi University's campus, a brief about the university, majors available, and much more!


Steps to Register and Get Accepted into Turkish Universities

If you aim to study in Turkey at one of the top 10 private universities in Turkey in 2024, you can rely on Turkey Campus Educational Services and follow these steps:


1. Contact the Turkey Campus Team

Get in touch with us, and we will provide you with free consultation services, as well as opportunities for scholarships and educational assistance available at universities that meet your requirements.


2. Submit Your Application for Free

After selecting the suitable university and providing all your documents and papers, we will assist you in preparing the official documents and submitting your application to the university at no cost!


3. Receive Your Acceptance Letter for Free

Another excellent service we offer for free at Turkey Campus is obtaining your acceptance letter, which is one of the most crucial steps in the university application process!


4. Arrival in Turkey

Upon your arrival in Turkey, we will take you to the university to complete your registration process, making you an official student in Turkey.


5. TC Card

When you register at Turkish universities through Turkey Campus, you will receive an exclusive free card called the TC Card. This card provides students with discounts at over 100 places in Istanbul, such as restaurants, cafes, gyms, and more. With the NFC feature, you can easily share your information with everyone around you.


Contact us to secure your study in Turkey and reserve your spot at one of the top 10 private universities in Turkey in 2024. If you have questions, rest assured that Turkey Campus is the perfect place for educational consultation and services in Turkey. We provide you with information with integrity and professionalism, assisting you step-by-step from application to securing your university acceptance and ensuring your smooth transition and settlement in Turkey.


Academic degrees in Turkey

1. Fellowship Degree (Short Cycle): Awarded upon completion of a two-year academic program. Fellowship degree programs are offered by universities and vocational schools after high school. Some programs are also available through distance education. Fellowship programs may require internships during study.

2. Bachelor's Degree (First Cycle): Awarded after completing a four-year program and earning a specified number of credits (240 ECTS) from studies. The study duration for Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, and Pharmacy is five years, and for Medicine, it is six years. Qualifications in these fields are considered equivalent to a Master's degree.

3. Master's Degree Program (Second Cycle): A two-year program leading to a Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Science (MS) degree. There are two types of Master's programs, with or without a thesis. A thesis-based Master's program typically consists of a minimum of 120 ECTS credits of coursework followed by thesis submission. Non-thesis programs should be completed in one year or one and a half years, requiring a minimum of 90 ECTS credits of coursework and a research project.

4. Doctoral Degree Program (Third Cycle): Typically an eight-semester program leading to a doctoral degree. It includes coursework with 180-240 credits, a proficiency exam, a thesis proposal, thesis submission, and oral defense. After successfully completing the coursework and passing the proficiency exam, students must submit and defend their thesis orally before the examination committee.

5. Medical Specialty Programs: Equivalent to doctoral degree programs, conducted in medical faculties, university hospitals, and research and training hospitals. Admission to medical specialty programs requires a competitive entrance exam in various medical fields for medical graduates. Candidates are required to submit a thesis and defend it before the examination committee.

6. Proficiency in Art: A post-master's program lasting at least six semesters in the fields of visual arts and performing arts, equivalent to a doctoral degree. It requires submission of original artwork or (in music and performing arts) outstanding creative performance.


Requirements for Study In Turkey 

Embarking on a journey of education in Turkey entails navigating through a series of prerequisites and obligations essential for success. Aspiring students must familiarize themselves with these criteria, ensuring compliance to secure admission to their desired university and pave the way for their educational aspirations. Here are the key conditions prospective students must adhere to:


1. Secondary Certificate Authentication

Students must furnish a translated and notarized copy of their secondary school certificate, ensuring its legal recognition to facilitate admission to Turkish universities.


2. Transcript Authentication

Alongside their secondary certificate, students must provide a translated and notarized transcript, affirming their academic achievements and bolstering the credibility of their educational records.


3. Personal Photographs

Up-to-date and clear personal photographs are indispensable components of the application process, aiding student identification and expediting application processing.


4. Passport Copy

A clear image of a valid passport is mandatory, serving as a crucial means of student identification and verification of personal details essential for university registration.


5. Language Proficiency Validation

For English-taught programs, students must demonstrate proficiency in the language through recognized certificates such as TOEFL, IELTS, or TOMER, ensuring they possess the necessary linguistic skills for academic success.


Adherence to and diligent fulfillment of these requirements constitute the foundational steps for students embarking on their educational journey in Turkey. Rigorous compliance has proven instrumental in securing university admission in Turkey, propelling students towards a promising and fulfilling academic future.


Essential documents needed for enrollment in Turkish universities

Studying at Turkish universities is a dream for many international students. However, before setting foot on this path, students must ensure that all necessary paperwork is in order and meticulously processed. 

Here serves as a comprehensive roadmap, guiding students through the labyrinth of paperwork required for enrollment at Turkish universities. From essential documents to invaluable tips, we delve into the intricacies of each requirement, empowering students to secure admission to their desired institution.


Essential documents needed for enrollment in Turkish universities


1- General Secondary School Degree

A certificate of general secondary education, endorsed by the Turkish Ministry of Education or an internationally recognized educational body, is indispensable. Most Turkish universities mandate a minimum cumulative admission score of 50%.


2- YÖS Test ( Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrenci Sınavı)

The YÖS test serves as a fundamental criterion for international student admissions. Consisting of sections in Turkish language, mathematics, and intelligence, students can register for the test on the official YÖS website.


3- TÖMER Test

For students intending to study in Turkish, proficiency in the language is assessed through the TÖMER test, Offering various levels to gauge Turkish language skills, students can register for the test at accredited TÖMER centers worldwide.


4- English Proficiency Certificates

Some Turkish universities may require English language proficiency certificates like TOEFL or IELTS for programs conducted in English, The required proficiency level varies across universities and programs.


5. Additional Enrollment Documents

  • Letter of Acceptance: Official confirmation of student admission issued by the university, crucial for subsequent administrative procedures.
  • Turkish Passport or Identity Card: Establishes student identity and nationality, essential for verification purposes.
  • Original Secondary Certificate: Official proof of secondary education attainment, validating qualifications.
  • High School Transcripts: Documenting student performance in all secondary school subjects, aiding in assessing readiness for university study.
  • Equivalence Certificate: Issued by the Turkish Ministry of Education, it equates foreign secondary certificates to Turkish equivalents.
  • Four Passport-Size Photographs: Recent photographs required for administrative transactions.
  • Payment Receipt: Confirms payment of university fees, a prerequisite for enrollment.


By diligently meeting these requirements and submitting the necessary documentation accurately and promptly, students can navigate the enrollment process successfully, ushering in a new chapter of academic pursuit at Turkish universities.


Steps to Apply for Study in Turkey

Going on the path to study in Turkey entails a meticulously crafted journey, woven with various stages from aspiration to enrollment, This process, akin to navigating through a labyrinth of possibilities, culminates in the commencement of an academic odyssey in the heart of Turkey. Here's a creative breakdown of the steps required to embark on this transformative voyage:


1- Quest for Specialization

The journey commences with the quest to discover one's desired specialization. Delve into the vast array of disciplines offered by Turkish universities, using platforms like the Turkish educational portal to unveil the perfect fit.


2- Procuring the Essential Papers

Next comes the intricate dance of paperwork. Gather the requisite documents tailored to each university's unique demands, ranging from the ubiquitous high school certificate to proficiency in language if deemed necessary.


3- Dance of the Digital Realm

Enter the digital realm, where the magic of online submission unfolds. Navigate through the virtual corridors of the university's website, meticulously completing the electronic submission form. With bated breath, load the essential documents, such as the high school certificate and passport, adhering to every instruction with precision.


4- Finances, a Vital Symphony

Amidst the flurry of anticipation, the symphony of finance must not be overlooked. Attend the registration fees promptly, ensuring adherence to acceptable payment methods. A timely disbursement secures the progression of your academic odyssey.


5- Awaiting the Dawn of Acceptance

With the submission complete, anticipation looms like a misty veil. Patiently await the dawn of acceptance, a beacon of hope that may illuminate your path within approximately 15 days. Track the journey of your application online, navigating the university's website with eager anticipation.


6- Sealing the Pact

Upon receiving the coveted acceptance, seal the pact with the payment of the first installment of tuition fees. This pivotal step solidifies your enrollment, ensuring your rightful place within the university's hallowed halls.

By threading through these steps with finesse and determination, students can forge a seamless path towards enrollment in Turkish universities, embarking on an academic odyssey poised for success. As registration dates ebb and flow like the tides, stay abreast of the latest updates through trusted sources like the Coge University website, guiding your journey with clarity and precision. 

Read also: A Guide to Admissions Requirements in Turkey 2024


If you apply through Turkey Campus, you get a free TC card that allows you to share your contact details easily and offers you discounts at up to 100+ places in Turkey.


study in turkey with turkey campus


Student life in Turkey

Delving into the vibrant tapestry of student life in Turkey reveals an enriching experience unlike any other. With its blend of rich cultural heritage, dynamic lifestyle, and diverse array of Student Activities in Turkey, Turkey emerges as a beacon for international students seeking a distinctive educational journey. Let's explore the intricacies of student life in Turkey and the plethora of opportunities it presents to students from around the globe:

1. The University Melting Pot

Turkish universities epitomize a mosaic of diversity and dynamism, where students from every corner of the world converge. This melting pot is an ideal crucible for cultural exchange and knowledge expansion. Moreover, universities orchestrate an array of cultural and social engagements such as conferences, symposiums, and concerts, fostering personal growth and camaraderie among students.


2. Cross-cultural Connections

Turkey stands as a magnet for international students, offering them a platform to forge connections with peers from diverse nationalities. Through this kaleidoscope of cultural diversity, students have the opportunity to learn new languages and broaden their social horizons, honing invaluable communication and teamwork skills along the way.


3. Abode Away from Home

Turkish universities extend a plethora of housing options tailored to suit students' needs, both on and off-campus, Numerous real estate agencies facilitate students in finding suitable accommodation, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable residential experience during their stint in Turkey.


study in turkey

Know more: Top Safe Cities for International


4. Financial Facilitation

Turkey has emerged as a cost-effective haven for international students, offering a balance between affordability and quality of life that rivals many European and American destinations. Moreover, a myriad of scholarships and financial aid packages are available, alleviating the financial burden and enabling students to comfortably navigate the Study Costs in Turkey.


5. Navigating New Frontiers

While embarking on Turkey's novel terrain, international students may encounter challenges, chief among them being the language barrier. However, many universities extend complimentary Turkish language courses to international students, facilitating a smoother and swifter transition into their new academic and social milieu.

With its strategic location and promising post-graduate prospects, Turkey stands as the epitome of academic and professional fulfillment for international students. Overall, student life in Turkey unfolds as a tapestry of richness and enjoyment, providing students with a nurturing and stimulating environment to foster personal and academic growth.



Student Housing in Turkey 

For international students in Turkey, finding suitable accommodation is a crucial step in their academic journey. From on-campus boarding to private rentals, the housing landscape offers a variety of choices to accommodate different preferences and budgets. Below, we'll delve into the different types of student housing available in Turkey and provide insights to help students make informed decisions.

Check out the comparison table below for a quick overview of the various student housing options in Turkey, covering factors like location, sharing arrangements, support services, billing arrangements, and social atmosphere.


Housing Type


Sharing System

Support System


Social Life

Public Student Housing

Located on campus

Common or separate

Support provided

Included in fees

Busy and vibrant

Private Housing

Near universities

Common or separate

Support available

Included in fees

Diverse and vibrant

Rental Apartments

Depends on preference

Common or separate

Less support

Student's liability

Depends on choice

Government Student Housing (KYK)

Depends on availability

Common rooms

Support available

Low cost


Vakif Housing for Students

Depends on availability

Common rooms

Support available

Low cost



Student housing tips in Turkey

When searching for student accommodation in Turkey, it's crucial to consider key factors to ensure a comfortable and secure living situation. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

1. Location

Decide whether you prefer a bustling urban setting or a quieter suburban area. Ensure that the accommodation is conveniently located near your university or has easy access to public transportation, such as subway or metro stations.


2. Housing Quality

Prioritize apartments with effective heating systems, especially those with natural gas connections. Look for units with ample natural light and proper ventilation to enhance your daily living experience.


3. Contracts and Ownership

Before signing a lease, verify ownership of the property and review the terms of the lease agreement carefully. Ensure that the terms, including termination and renewal clauses, are clear and suitable for your needs.


4. Budget

Establish a precise budget before beginning your housing search. Determine the maximum monthly rent you can afford and compare prices across different apartments to find the best value for your money.


5. Housing Search

Utilize specialized Turkish websites like Sahibinden or Hürriyet Emlak to search for suitable accommodation options. Don't hesitate to inquire about additional details or schedule visits to potential apartments before making a final decision.

By following these tips, international students can make the most of their university experience in Turkey, enjoy a comfortable and safe stay, and experience academic life with complete stability.


Turkish Camps 10 tips for students wishing to study in Turkey

It's an immersive experience filled with cultural richness and personal growth opportunities. Here's a guide to ensure you make the most of your university experience in Turkey:

1. Thoughtful Specialization Selection

Before setting foot in Turkey, carefully consider your field of study. Think about your passions, career goals, and the job market demands to make an informed decision.


2. University Research

Explore the plethora of disciplines offered by Turkish universities. Look for institutions that align with your academic interests and offer advanced programs.


3. Turkish Language Familiarization

While English is widely used, basic Turkish proficiency can enhance your everyday interactions and cultural immersion.


4. Complete Application Formalities

Submit all required documents promptly to secure admission to your desired university.


5. Study Visa for Turkey Acquisition

Obtain your Study Visa from the Turkey Embassy in your home country before departure.


6. Accommodation arrangements

Find suitable housing close to your university and essential amenities. Consider contacting reputable real estate agencies for assistance.


7. Campus Exploration

Familiarize yourself with campus facilities like computer labs, libraries, and recreational areas to optimize your academic experience.


8. Attend Orientation

Participate in orientation events organized by your university to understand its policies, services, and support systems available to students.


9. Engage in Student Life

Join clubs and participate in extracurricular activities to broaden your social network and enhance your personal development.


10. Explore Turkey

Take advantage of Turkey's captivating tourist attractions, from historical landmarks to breathtaking landscapes, to enrich your cultural experience.


11. Additional Tips

  • Stay Organized: Develop a balanced schedule to manage academics, social life, and leisure activities effectively.
  • Budget Wisely: Set a monthly budget and track your expenses to avoid financial strain.
  • Respect Local Customs: Embrace Turkish culture and traditions with respect and openness.
  • Enjoy Every Moment: Embrace the unique journey of Study In Turkey and cherish the unforgettable experiences it offers.

By following these guidelines, you'll embark on a fulfilling educational adventure in Turkey, marked by academic excellence, cultural immersion, and personal growth.


In conclusion, Study In Turkey offers students a globally recognized educational experience within the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the Bologna Process standards. 

With partnerships established between Turkish universities and institutions worldwide, students benefit from the seamless transfer of credits and the international recognition of their degrees. Moreover, the accreditation of select programs by prestigious organizations elevates the status of Turkish universities on the global stage, enhancing their appeal to prospective students seeking quality education. Despite challenges such as cultural adaptation and financial constraints, the potential for personal and professional growth in Turkey is vast, making it an attractive destination for ambitious students.



Are you ready to embark on a transformative educational journey in Turkey? Explore the diverse study programs and renowned institutions that await you. Contact Turkey Campus Company today to discover personalized assistance in selecting the perfect university, Providing Student Support Services in Turkey and navigating the admissions process.

Header icon

Everything you need to know about studying in Turkey 2024

Hero Image

Why study in Turkey?


Academic Excellence


Wide Range of programs


Affordable Education


Scholarships Opportunities


Multicultural Environment


Rich Cultural Heritage


Modern Infrastructure


Different Student Life

Steps to Study in Turkey


Find the Right Program


Apply to Universities


Get Conditional Acceptance letter


Get Final Acceptance


Get Student Visa


Enroll at the University


Go to university


price image Tuition Fees



tuition fees range from


to 20000$ Annual



Average costs range from


to 40000$ for the entire programَ


icon Study Requirements in

Valid Passport Copy

High School Diploma

(with a minimum of 50% GPA)


Translated High School Transcript

English or Turkish Proficiency Certificate (if applicable)

mother's Name

Student's Email

Recognitions by Turkish Universities


Recognition by Mudek


Recognition by ABET


Recognition by FIP


Recognition by Tepdad

Fields Study In Turkey

FAQ Study In Turkey

The requirements vary depending on the level of study and the chosen university, but typically, a high school diploma or its equivalent is required, as well as proficiency in Turkish or English.

You can search for suitable universities online, learn about the different majors they offer, admission criteria, and the costs of studying and living in the city where you wish to study.

Yes, there are many scholarships offered by Turkish universities, government and private institutions, and the eligibility criteria vary for each scholarship.

Turkish universities offer different majors in fields such as engineering, medicine, pharmacy, law, management, social sciences, humanities, arts, and Islamic sciences, in addition to many other majors.

You can find suitable accommodation in Turkey by searching online for furnished apartments or student housing, and you can also get assistance from the university or institution where you will be studying.

The costs of studying and living in Turkey vary depending on the city, university, and type of accommodation you choose. However, the cost of studying and living in Turkey is often much lower than other European countries and North America.

Yes, international students can obtain a part-time work permit during their study period, and they must obtain a work permit from the relevant authorities in Turkey.

Yes, after graduation, international students can stay in Turkey for up to 6 months to look for job opportunities, and they must obtain the necessary work permit.

The international student who wishes to study in Turkey must obtain an acceptance from the desired university, and then apply for a student visa from the Turkish embassy in their country. Some documents such as a valid passport, high school certificate, university acceptance confirmation, health and financial insurance should be provided, and the embassy may specify any additional requirements.

The academic calendar in Turkey typically commences in early October and concludes at the end of June each year. This period marks the start of an exciting journey for students as they embark on new learning endeavors and engage in enriching educational experiences.

Turkey boasts a diverse array of universities, catering to the varied needs of students and offering distinct advantages and drawbacks. These institutions can broadly be categorized into two main types: government and private. 1- Government Universities Government universities serve as the primary choice for many of the students in Turkey and abroad, These universities often provide tuition-free or reasonably priced education programs.  Renowned for their esteemed reputation and high-quality academic offerings, government universities attract a significant number of international students, fostering cultural diversity and offering robust research opportunities. However, some international students may encounter challenges during the enrollment process, and certain programs may be available exclusively in Turkish. 2- Private Universities Private universities offer a wide range of programs, often conducted in English, making them an appealing option for many of the international students.  These institutions boast modern facilities and a centralized educational environment, providing opportunities for skill development and personal growth. While tuition fees at private universities may be relatively higher, and they may not enjoy the same level of prestige as government universities, they remain an attractive choice for students seeking specialized programs and a unique learning experience. Tips for Choosing the Right Type of University: Define your budget and determine whether you prefer a government or private institution. Identify your desired field of study and your language preference for instruction. Research the reputation of the university and evaluate the quality of its academic programs. Consider the location of the university, ensuring it aligns with your personal and educational needs.

The duration of studies at Turkish universities varies depending on the chosen field of specialization. Typically, most academic disciplines require a four-year commitment, marking the minimum duration for completing undergraduate studies. However, certain medical specialties entail a longer duration. For instance, a degree in human medicine may extend up to six years, while dental studies typically span about five years. This prolonged timeline is necessary for students in these fields to acquire the comprehensive skills and knowledge essential for their future professions. It's worth noting that the length of study may differ based on the curriculum offered by each university and the specific academic requirements of each specialization. Therefore, prospective students should thoroughly research the program requirements of their desired universities before making their final decision. In summary, the duration of university study in Turkey varies across disciplines, with the overarching goal of equipping students with the necessary expertise for a successful career.

Certainly, Study In Turkey holds international recognition, Turkey falls within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and adheres to the standards set forth by the Bologna Process, ensuring that Turkish university degrees are acknowledged in numerous countries worldwide, including within the European Union and many Arab nations. Moreover, partnerships forged between Turkish universities and institutions abroad streamline the process for students to complete their studies and obtain universally acknowledged university degrees. While certain countries may mandate graduates of Turkish universities to undergo an equivalency process for their degrees, this policy varies from state to state. Furthermore, select colleges and study programs in Turkey may garner special global recognitions and accreditations. Exemplified by the School of Business Administration at Osijin University, accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), and Altinbas University, accredited by the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA). Such accolades position Turkish universities and colleges among the top ranks globally in various disciplines.

Undoubtedly, Study In Turkey can significantly contribute to the realization of one's professional goals, provided individuals exhibit dedication and acclimate themselves to the university environment.  By carefully selecting an appropriate university and specialization, students can hone their skills and acquire the knowledge requisite for their chosen professional paths. Despite potential challenges such as financial constraints and language barriers, resilient students who confront these obstacles head-on can leverage the educational opportunities available in Turkey to transform their professional aspirations into tangible realities.

Embarking on a study journey in Turkey is not only feasible but also relatively straightforward for students who adapt to life in the country. It can prove to be an enriching and rewarding experience provided students meticulously select a suitable university and program tailored to their needs. Turkish universities offer programs in both Turkish and English, presenting students with a plethora of options across different disciplines and colleges. While challenges such as financial costs and cultural adjustment may exist, resilient students can derive immense satisfaction from their study experiences in Turkey.