The Sixth Guide | Turkish universities and their types

Student Guide Turkish Scholarship Guide

The Sixth Guide | Turkish universities and their types

turkey campus team Sat, Nov 5, 2022

Turkey has nearly 207 universities until 2019, and all of them are of course affiliated with the Supreme Council of Turkish Universities, or the so-called “Yük”, and are therefore recognized locally and internationally.

  1. It applies the Bologna Convention for Higher Education in Europe, and has obtained 5 out of 5 of the total evaluation points determined by the agreement, meaning that any certificate obtained from the official Turkish universities is recognized in all European countries, and the student gets his diploma according to the evaluation system According to the credit hours in the European Union, or what is called the "ECTS European Credit Transfer System."
  2. According to the QS Organization for measuring the strength of education and the ranking of countries according to the quality of education, or what is known as the “QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings.”
  3. Turkey reached the 39th ranking in 2016 AD, and reached the 29th ranking in 2018.

You should know that the Turkish scholarship does not deal with any university that is not internationally recognized or unofficial in the country.

Tuition fees in Turkey:

In public universities:

  1. The study in Turkish public universities ranges from $300 to $1000 for all specialties per academic year, except for medical specialties.
  2. Medical specialties range from $1000 to $7000 per academic year.

In private universities:

  1. The study in Turkish public universities ranges from $1000 to $4000 for all specialties per academic year, except for medical specialties.
  2. Medical specialties range from $8,000 to $20,000 per academic year.

And some universities may have special cases of their tuition fees. And in the event that you are accepted into the scholarship, you are completely exempt from the tuition fees, even if you are accepted into a private university.

Can I apply for the scholarship and to the governmental or private universities in Turkey at the same time?

  1. Of course, you can apply and there is no contradiction in that, contrariwise, we encourage you to do that. Even if you do not get accepted in one of them, you have an alternative for that.

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