Study Anthropology in Turkey

Turkey, a country straddling Europe and Asia, offers a captivating setting for studying anthropology, the discipline that unravels the complexities of human societies and cultures. With its rich history, diverse ethnic groups, and unique blend of Eastern and Western influences, Turkey provides an ideal backdrop for immersing oneself in the fascinating world of anthropology.

This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive overview of studying anthropology in Turkey, including esteemed universities, specialized areas of research, career prospects, cultural immersion opportunities, and the advantages of pursuing this field of study in Turkey.


Best Universities for Anthropology Studies 

Turkey is home to several prestigious universities that offer robust anthropology programs, combining academic excellence with a diverse range of research opportunities. Here are some notable institutions: 


  • Istanbul University 

Istanbul University stands as a pioneer in anthropology education in Turkey. Its Department of Social Anthropology offers comprehensive undergraduate and graduate programs, providing students with a strong foundation in the field. 


  • Middle East Technical University (METU) 

METU's Department of Sociology provides a concentration in Social Anthropology, emphasizing ethnographic research methods and theoretical frameworks. The department's faculty members are renowned for their contributions to anthropological scholarship. 


  • Koç University 

Koç University offers a multidisciplinary approach to anthropology through its Department of Archaeology and History of Art. Students have the opportunity to explore archaeological anthropology and engage with historical and cultural research. 


  • Boğaziçi University 

Boğaziçi University's Department of Sociology incorporates anthropological perspectives into its curriculum, allowing students to explore diverse cultural contexts and social phenomena. The department fosters critical thinking and research skills.


Anthropology Specialized Areas of Research 

Anthropology in Turkey encompasses a wide range of specialized areas for research and exploration, including: 


  • Cultural Anthropology 

Cultural anthropology examines the beliefs, practices, and social structures of different cultures. In Turkey, students can delve into the unique traditions, rituals, and customs of various ethnic groups, such as the Kurds, Armenians, and Circassians. 


  • Archaeological Anthropology 

Turkey is renowned for its archaeological sites and ancient civilizations. Students of archaeological anthropology have the opportunity to participate in excavations, analyze material culture, and contribute to our understanding of human history. 


  • Urban Anthropology 

With its bustling cities and diverse urban landscapes, Turkey provides a fascinating context for studying urban anthropology. Students can examine issues of migration, urbanization, identity, and social dynamics within metropolitan areas. 


  • Medical Anthropology 

Medical anthropology explores the intersection of health, illness, and culture. In Turkey, students can investigate traditional healing practices, healthcare systems, and the impact of modern medicine on local communities.


Anthropology Career Prospects in Turkey 

Studying anthropology in Turkey opens up a range of rewarding career opportunities. Graduates can pursue diverse paths, including: 


  • Academic Research and Teaching 

Many students choose to further their studies at the graduate level, obtaining advanced degrees in anthropology. This path enables them to contribute to the field through research, publishing scholarly work, and teaching at universities. 


  • Cultural Heritage Management 

Turkey's rich cultural heritage requires professionals who can preserve, manage, and interpret archaeological sites, museums, and historical landmarks. Graduates with a background in anthropology can work in cultural heritage organizations, tourism, and conservation. 


  • Development and Humanitarian Organizations 

Anthropology graduates can contribute to international development projects, NGOs, and humanitarian organizations. Their understanding of cultural dynamics and social structures allows them to address social issues, advocate for marginalized communities, and design culturally sensitive interventions. 


  • Applied Anthropology 

Applied anthropologists apply their knowledge and skills in sectors such as public health, urban planning, market research, and organizational development. They analyze social dynamics, conduct ethnographic research, and provide insights for practical problem-solving.

Cultural Immersion and Advantages of Studying Anthropology in Turkey 

Studying anthropology in Turkey offers unique advantages, including: 


  • 1. Cultural Diversity 

Turkey is a melting pot of different cultures, languages, and ethnic groups. Students have the opportunity to engage with diverse communities, observe cultural practices firsthand, and gain insights into the dynamics of multicultural societies. 


  • 2. Historical Significance 

Turkey's geographical location has made it a crossroads of civilizations throughout history. Studying anthropology in Turkey allows students to explore the legacies of ancient civilizations, analyze historical developments, and witness the interplay of cultural influences. 


  • 3. Fieldwork Opportunities 

Turkey's diverse landscapes, from vibrant cities to rural areas, provide ample opportunities for immersive fieldwork experiences. Students can engage in participant observation, conduct interviews, and carry out ethnographic research in various settings. 


  • 4. Language Advantage 

Studying anthropology in Turkey offers the advantage of learning or improving proficiency in Turkish. Proficiency in the local language enhances cultural immersion, facilitates communication with research participants, and broadens access to primary sources and archives.


Student Exchange Programs in Turkish Universities 

The questions revolve around the possibility of studying at different universities in different locations outside or inside Turkey. The university offers several programs for local and international student exchange, the most important of which are: Erasmus program, Mevlana program, and Farabi program. 


  1. 1. Erasmus Program 

The Erasmus program is one of the important study programs that allow student exchange between European and other international universities. Turkey joined this program in 2003, and it is one of the easiest ways to study in Europe, where approximately 3 million students have participated since the program's inception 

The program offers financial support, opportunities to learn new teaching methods, learn a new foreign language, and discover new countries, their history, and civilization. To join the program, you must complete at least one academic year, have a GPA higher than 2, pass a language test, provide a personal photo, valid passport, grade report, and letter of recommendation. 


  1. 2. Melvana Program 

The Mevlana program, implemented in 2011, allows student exchange between universities in Turkey and within other countries. To apply for the program, you must complete at least one academic year, have a cumulative GPA higher than 2.5, pass a language test, provide a personal photo, valid passport, grade report, and two letters of recommendation that can be obtained from the university. 


  1. 3. Farabi Program 

The Farabi program allows students to exchange between Turkish universities without canceling their registration in their original university. To register for the program, you must complete at least one academic year (excluding the preparatory year), have a cumulative GPA higher than 2, and have the right to apply for only one university. This grant funds one semester with the possibility of completing further semesters. 


Conditions for Studying Literature and Criticism in Turkey 

  • Public Universities 

Admission to some Turkish government universities depends on success in the Turkish YÖS aptitude test or the SAT aptitude test, in addition to obtaining a high school diploma with a varying grade requirement depending on the university.  

A TOEFL test and Turkish language proficiency test (TOMER) are required if the language of instruction is Turkish. If the student doesn't have a TOEFL or TOMER certificate, they will have to take a language proficiency test at the same university they're applying to if accepted. If the student passes, they start their first year of study immediately. If they fail, they have to undergo a preparatory year to learn the language. 


  • Private Universities 

As for the study requirements in Turkish private universities, they don't require any additional conditions from students. It's enough to have a high school diploma with a grade of no less than 50%. When choosing to study in English, a preparatory year is taught, as well as when studying in Turkish. 


Advantages of Registering through Turkey Campus 


  • One of the main advantages that Turkey Campus offers to students when registering at Turkish universities include: 

  • The ability to sign contracts with private universities in Turkey, which guarantees foreign students' admission and a reduction in tuition fees upon acceptance.  
  • Turkey Campus provides multiple options for private and public universities, indicating available majors, annual fees, duration of study, and required registration documents.  
  • Based on each student's motivation, we offer tailored educational consultations for their specific situation.  
  • We guide students through all the necessary steps for official registration in the university and obtaining a student ID card. 
  • We also assist in securing suitable university housing and obtaining residence permits for students. 
  • We maintain continuous communication with students to provide advice and address any inquiries they may have. 


Studying anthropology in Turkey opens a gateway to exploring the intricate tapestry of human cultures, societies, and histories. Esteemed universities, specialized research areas, and diverse career prospects make Turkey an attractive destination for anthropology enthusiasts. The country's cultural diversity, historical significance, and opportunities for immersive fieldwork provide a unique backdrop for academic growth and personal development.

By choosing to study anthropology in Turkey, students embark on a captivating journey that not only broadens their understanding of humanity but also equips them with the skills and knowledge to contribute meaningfully to the field of anthropology. 

If you're interested in joining one of the universities in Turkey, we at Turkey Campus are pleased to offer you a helping hand and embark on the journey towards your future.

Our team of experienced professionals will guide you through the entire application process to Turkish universities, starting from choosing the suitable program to submitting your application, securing your acceptance, and ensuring that you benefit from all available grants and discounts offered by the universities through us.

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FAQ Study In Turkey

Anthropology is the scientific study of human beings, their societies, cultures, and behavior. It examines various aspects of human life, including social structures, beliefs, values, language, kinship, rituals, and the ways people adapt to and interact with their environments. Anthropology provides a holistic understanding of human diversity and the complexities of human existence.
Several universities in Turkey offer programs related to anthropology. Notable institutions include Istanbul University, Boğaziçi University, Middle East Technical University, Ankara University, Koç University, and Sabancı University. These universities have specialized departments or faculties dedicated to anthropology and related social sciences.
Turkey offers diverse research opportunities in anthropology. Some potential research areas include cultural anthropology, medical anthropology, migration studies, gender and sexuality, environmental anthropology, urban anthropology, indigenous studies, and the anthropology of religion.
Yes, many anthropology programs in Turkey offer opportunities for students to engage in fieldwork and ethnographic research. You can participate in community-based projects, conduct interviews, observe cultural practices, and contribute to ongoing research initiatives, gaining hands-on experience in ethnographic methods and cultural analysis.
Yes, studying anthropology in Turkey allows you to explore and study specific regional or ethnic cultures within the country. You can focus on the cultural practices, social structures, belief systems, and identity dynamics of various communities, such as Kurdish, Arab, Alevi, or other ethnic and cultural groups present in Turkey.