Soil and irrigation study in Turkey

Soil and irrigation study in Turkey is considered a highly sought-after field of study. The agricultural sector in Turkey is a significant contributor to the country's economy and plays a crucial role in ensuring food security. The sector heavily relies on soil and irrigation management to ensure consistent crop production. With changing weather patterns and increasing food demand, it is essential to study and implement sustainable soil and irrigation management practices in Turkey.

This article aims to provide an overview of soil and irrigation studies in Turkey, highlighting soil types and irrigation techniques used, the challenges faced by the agricultural sector, major Turkish universities offering this specialization, and employment opportunities in this sector. 

Qualifications and Required Attributes for Studying Soil and Irrigation in Turkey 

The features that should be present in individuals interested in studying soil and irrigation are as follows: 

  • They should enjoy working outdoors.

  • They should have an interest in plant sciences.

  • Be cautious and patient.

  • They should enjoy working in teams.

  • They should be able to adapt to different weather conditions.

  • Continuously develop themselves and have a general knowledge of culture.

  • Should not have sensitivity to chemical products.

  • Know how to work in a planned manner.

Best Universities for Teaching Soil and Irrigation in Turkey 

When it comes to study in Turkey soil and irrigation, there are several top universities that offer high-quality programs. The country has a longstanding reputation for excellence in research and education in the field of soil and irrigation, making it an ideal destination for students looking to pursue this field of study. These include: 

  • University of Ankara. 

  • University of Çukurova. 

  • Ege University.

  • Istanbul University. 

  • Tikirdağ University. 

  • Ondokuz Mayıs University. 

  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. 

  • Harran University. 

  • Selçuk University. 

  • Bursa Uludağ University.

  • Argeş University.

Curriculum for Soil and Irrigation Specialization in Turkey 

Year of Study 


First Year 




Foreign Language 

Geology and Geography 


Soil and Plant Analysis and Evaluation 

Introduction to Soil Science 

Turkish Language 

General Microbiology 

Measurement and Drawings 

Principles of Atatürk and History of the Turkish Revolution 

Second Year 

Water Quality and Turkish Waters 

Agricultural Meteorology 

Agricultural Machinery 

Plant Physics 

Agricultural Environmental Pollution and Environmental Impact Assessment 

Health and Occupational Safety 

Food Science and Technology 

Agricultural Economics 

Plant Gardens 

Soil-Free Agricultural Techniques 

Field Crop Evaluation and Agricultural Experience 

Plant Protection 

Health and Occupational Safety II 

General Public Garden Technology 

Third Year 

Soil Chemistry 

Soil Physics 

Plant Nutrition and Fertilization 

Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems 

Soil Biology and Biochemistry 

Soil Minerals and Petroleum Industry 

Landscape Fertilization and Ornamental Plants 

Analysis and Evaluation of Soil Plants 

Soil Mechanics 

Soil Formation and Classification 

Plant Physiology under Stress 

Soil Productivity and Basin Management 

Soil-Water Relations 

Agricultural Environment 

Irrigation and Drainage 

Principles of Organic Farming 

Fourth Year 

Land Consultancy and Planning 

Soil and Water Protection 

Fertilizers and Fertilization 

Organic Fertilizer and Compost Production Techniques 

Internship I 

Graduation Project I 

Preparation of Fertilizer Programs and Sustainable Soil Management 

Fertilizer Technology 

Graduation Project II 

Good Agricultural Practices, Soil Survey, and Mapping in Organic Agriculture 

Field Crop Fertilization 

Fruit Garden Fertilization 

Internship II 

Plant Nutrition in Increasing Growth 

Number of Years of Study for Soil and Irrigation Specialization in Turkey 

The Soil and Irrigation specialization is a bachelor's degree program offered by Turkish universities. Therefore, the duration of this specialization is 4 years. Although it is not a very common department, universities have started opening this specialization again. During the 8-semester educational stage, several plant science-based courses and training sessions are provided.  

Students studying in this department are eligible to graduate upon successfully completing their 4-year education. Some universities also offer training courses. Graduates from this specialization can start working directly. Additionally, individuals who wish to enhance their scientific and practical experience can pursue further studies in master's and doctoral programs.

Employment Opportunities for Graduates of Soil and Irrigation Specialization in Turkey 

Graduates of the Soil and Irrigation Science department have job opportunities in both public institutions and private sector companies. The employment opportunities for graduates of the Soil and Irrigation Science department include: 

  • Municipalities.

  • State institutions in hydraulic works.

  • Employment opportunities as representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

  • Work in fertilizer factories.

  • Companies involved in pesticide production or sales.

  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Graduates of the Soil Science and Plant Nutrition department are referred to as "Agricultural Engineers" and they can work in Turkey at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Agricultural Credit Cooperatives, Agricultural Finance Departments in public and private banks, government water works, and municipalities. 

They can find job opportunities in laboratories, fertilizer factories, private farms, and agricultural greenhouses licensed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. They can also become direct traders of seeds and fertilizers if they pass the seed and fertilizer examination, or traders of plant protection products and wholesalers.

Furthermore, agricultural engineers who graduate from the Soil Science and Plant Nutrition department are authorized to prepare soil surveys and maps, preserve soil, and work on land use projects as stipulated in the Soil Conservation and Land Use Law. In this context, there are also opportunities for work in land unification studies. 

Salary of Soil and Irrigation Specialization Graduates in Turkey 

Salaries in the private sector differ from those in public institutions. The salaries for graduates of Soil and Irrigation Science working in government agencies range from 8,500 to 15,000 Turkish lira. In the private sector, salaries for Soil and Irrigation Science range from 8,500 to 20,000 Turkish lira.

Conditions for Studying Soil and Irrigation in Turkey 

Public Universities 

Admission to some government universities in Turkey depends on success in the Turkish YÖS aptitude test or the SAT aptitude test, in addition to obtaining a high school diploma with a varying grade requirement depending on the university.

A TOEFL test and Turkish language proficiency test (TOMER) are required if the language of instruction is Turkish. If the student doesn't have a TOEFL or TOMER certificate, they will have to take a language proficiency test at the same university they're applying to if accepted. If the student passes, they start their first year of study immediately. If they fail, they have to undergo a preparatory year to learn the language.

Private Universities 

As for the study requirements in Turkish private universities, they don't require any additional conditions from students. It's enough to have a high school diploma with a grade of no less than 50%. When choosing to study in English, a preparatory year is taught, as well as when studying in Turkish.

Soil and irrigation study in Turkey

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FAQ Study In Turkey

A Soil and Irrigation program in Turkey typically includes courses such as Soil Science, Irrigation Principles, Water Management, Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility, Crop Production, Agroecology, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Environmental Impact Assessment.
Yes, many universities in Turkey offer research opportunities for Soil and Irrigation students. These opportunities allow students to engage in fieldwork, laboratory research, data analysis, and collaborative projects that contribute to improving agricultural practices and sustainable land management.
Yes, there are scholarship opportunities available for international students in Turkey. These scholarships may be offered by the Turkish government, educational institutions, or external funding bodies. It is recommended to research and apply for scholarships well in advance.
Yes, as an international student, you may be eligible to work in Turkey after completing your Soil and Irrigation degree. However, it is important to check the specific regulations and requirements regarding work permits and visa regulations set by the Turkish government.
The medium of instruction in Soil and Irrigation programs in Turkey may vary depending on the university and program. Some programs are offered in Turkish, while others are taught in English. It is advisable to check the language requirements of the specific program you are interested in.