Ornamental plants and coordination in Turkey

You are inquiring about studying the specialty of ornamental plants and coordination in Turkey ? for several centuries, ornamental plants have been an integral part of human civilization, serving as a source of beauty, inspiration, and prosperity. In Turkey, the ornamental plant industry is growing significantly, providing substantial economic, social, and environmental benefits to the country. However, the sector faces numerous challenges, from environmental regulations to coordination issues that require innovative solutions and collaboration among various stakeholders.

Importance of Studying Ornamental Plant Specialization and Coordination in Turkey 

The ornamental plants industry in Turkey has seen significant growth in recent years, with the current value of the industry estimated at around 1 billion US dollars. The domestic market for ornamental plants is growing, driven primarily by the increasing interest in gardening and home decor among urban households. 

Coordination plays a vital role in developing this industry by establishing cooperation among various stakeholders, such as farmers, distributors, and consumers. In the context of growing ornamental plants, coordination allows for the development of better production techniques and helps ensure that companies and institutions can work together effectively.

Best Turkish Universities Offering Ornamental Plants and Coordination Programs in Turkey 

When it comes to study in Turkey for ornamental plants and coordinating in Turkey, there are many top universities that offer high-quality programs. The country has a long-standing reputation for excellence in research and education in the field of ornamental plants and coordinating, making it an ideal destination for students looking to pursue this field of study. 

University Name 

University Type 

Language of Study 

Ankara University 



Akdeniz University 



Aksaray University 



Istanbul University 



Yalova University 



Bingol University 



Bartin University 



Pamukkale University 



Bursa Uludag University 



Aydin University 



Number of Years Studying Ornamental Plants and Coordination in Turkey 

The specialty of ornamental plants and landscaping is one of the undergraduate programs at Turkish universities. Therefore, the duration of this specialty is 4 years. Although it is not a very common department, universities have started to reopen this specialty. During the educational stage, which consists of 8 semesters, many plant science-based training courses are offered.  

Students who study in this department are eligible to graduate upon successfully completing their education for 4 years. Some universities also offer training courses. Graduates of this specialty can start working directly. In addition, individuals who wish to increase their scientific and practical experience can complete master's and PhD programs.

Ornamental Plants and Coordination Specialty Subjects in Turkish Universities 

The study materials for the agriculture engineering specialty are: 

  • Agricultural Economics.

  • Principles of Agricultural Management.

  • Agricultural Labor Market.

  • Principles of Macroeconomics.

  • Natural Resource Economics.

  • Agriculture Curriculum and Natural Materials.

  • Chemistry.

  • Physics.

  • Botany.

  • Environmental Science.

  • Zoology.

  • Meteorology.

  • Statistics.

  • Technical Drawing.

  • Soil Science.

  • General Economics.

  • Agricultural History.

  • Plant Physics.

  • Genetics.

  • Agricultural Engineering Mechanics.

Job opportunities for Graduates of the Ornamental Plants and Coordination in Turkey 

Graduates of the ornamental plants and landscaping specialty in Turkey can pursue a variety of jobs, including working in government agencies or private companies or working for themselves. Examples of job titles include horticulturist, landscape engineer, plant genetics, and agricultural consultant.

Salary Expectations for Graduates of Ornamental Plants and Coordination in Turkey 

Salary expectations for graduates of Ornamental Plants and Coordination in Turkey vary according to their education level and experience. Salaries usually start at around 11500 Turkish lira per month and increase as graduates gain practical and academic experience. Experienced specialists can earn over 20000 Turkish lira per month.

Conditions for Studying Ornamental Plants and Coordination in Turkey 

Public Universities 

Acceptance to some Turkish government universities is based on success in the Turkish YÖS aptitude test or the SAT aptitude test, in addition to obtaining a high school diploma with a GPA that varies from one university to another. If the language of instruction is Turkish, a TOEFL and TOMER language proficiency test is required, or if the student does not have a TOEFL or TOMER certificate, they will be required to take a language proficiency test at the university where they are accepted. If the student passes, they will begin their studies immediately in the first year. If they fail, they will undergo a preparatory year to learn the language. 

Private Universities 

As for study conditions at private universities in Turkey, no additional conditions are required of students. It is sufficient to obtain a high school diploma with a GPA of not less than 50%, and when choosing to study in English, a preparatory year is taught, as well as when studying in Turkish.

Ornamental plants and coordination in Turkey

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FAQ Study In Turkey

The specialty of ornamental plants and coordination focuses on the cultivation, management, and design of plants for aesthetic and decorative purposes. It involves studying plant selection, propagation techniques, landscape design, floral arrangement, and the coordination of ornamental plant projects.
Graduates of ornamental plants and coordination programs in Turkey can pursue various career paths in landscape design firms, botanical gardens, parks and recreation departments, floral businesses, event management companies, and urban planning agencies. They can work as landscape designers, floral coordinators, garden managers, horticultural consultants, or pursue entrepreneurial ventures in the ornamental plant industry.
Yes, Turkey provides various scholarship programs for international students. The Türkiye Scholarships program offers opportunities for undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. studies, including fields related to agriculture, horticulture, and landscape design. Additionally, some universities may have their scholarship programs specifically targeting international students.
Turkey offers diverse research opportunities in ornamental plants and coordination. Some potential areas of research include landscape design principles, plant selection and propagation techniques, sustainable landscaping practices, urban greening and green infrastructure, floral artistry, and the conservation of native ornamental plant species.
Yes, Turkey has a thriving landscape and floral industry, and there are job opportunities available for graduates of ornamental plants and coordination programs. Graduates can work in landscape design firms, botanical gardens, municipal parks, event planning companies, florist shops, and government agencies focusing on urban planning and development.